Saturday, March 10, 2007

Bendover backwahds

I know. You think we're all washed up don't you! Well you could use a little smugness. It'll be our gift to you... Actually in reality we do have something in the can. It's just not safe to release it that's all. Our new piano/harmonica ode to A Man Called Bowie Called Bend Over Backwahds goes like this:

Bend over backwards
Bend over...
Devil doll
Devil in a blue dress
Bend over backward
She's a devil doll
Devil in a blue dress
Twinkle twinkle little star
Shine so bright shine so fah
Bend over backwards
Bend over back
She's a devil doll
Devil Doll devil in a blue dress
Twinkle Twinkle little starlight
Bend over backwards
Bend over backwahhhhhhhhhhhhdzzzz

It's a reaction to a performance we witnessed recently of Bowie and Moby doing a concert for what appeared to be a captive audience in a media tent at some Millionaires' convention. Everyone had one arm thrust into the air and pulsed in unison to some pantry fare that sounded like the kind of music people make when they know everyone's gonna like it no matter what they do. Road hogs on the highway of amusement. And I like Bowie too. I can't have an opinion about Moby because I used to work with someone who claimed to have invented Moby. This person also claimed to be the Canadian Olympic Wind Surfing coach and boasted frequently about being at Cannes (pronounced "con") and speaking for twenty minutes in a row with Blowjob Bartelucci or something like that. If he had affiliated with Moby, then poor Moby. I think his tea shop sounds nice, though.

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