Thursday, June 15, 2006

Side projects

Y'ello. Q here again.

So you've heard about Decoy Samaritan and are eagerly awaiting news on their projects, but you're also curious about Pookie the Hellhound and Frequent Seeping Vertebrae. I know, it's confusing when two new band names creep into the tagline and you think, "How did I miss those? When were they mentioned?" Well, they're new.

Pookie the hellhound consists of myself and K. Crabdul. I don't know what the K stands for. We are working in the rebellionaire genre. Don't expect much from this outfit - once we have even a minor hit (which shouldn't take long), we're retiring. In all likelihood. Did I spell that right?

Frequent seeping vertebrae have yet to entirely take form, but I will post updates when available.

As for Occupant, I've started re-working an old song called The Root of all Evil because I think it would be our greatest achievement were it longer. Once the global warming crisis is solved, this song will be released to conquor our biggest problem: cold hard cash! And the man, for good measure. Strange how Occupant strives to eliminate the problem of money whilst Pookie the hellhound seeks to make it.

That's the latest.

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