Sunday, June 18, 2006


This post is in fact a comment following comments culled by Media Axle, Antonio Abdul, and received through the teletype in our East Office.

It is the pride and mandate of Occupant to be understood as necessarily graceless and indulgent in self, mostly to save Theo Adorno from looking stupid.

And it makes me wonder...

Does the performer eat the applause or is the applause actually the sound of chewing? These, and questions like them, will soon be offered up on a silver platter.

the "falsetto voce" heard in Get off my Property is in fact a "verite voix" as Q's acquaintance with birra and smoked meats is yet to be made. Colour this new musical category Greenge.

1 comment:

Stella said...

Dear Occupant,

There is a three-foot wide strip of flowers on an embankment next to my apartment. Its mechanical watering system is so successful that it caused a landslide that literally covered five or six blocks (that's concrete ones,
not street ones) of sidewalk. This kind of unnatural disaster puts a crimp in my music listening habits and so it's taken awhile to push play on dwellings. When I heard the line "I am the despot who brings the flood", of course I knew the rock gods had intervened again, somehow.

Copies have been made and distributed to my Freemason and Rosicrucian friends (some demanded an "original" copy made from the master, but don't worry, I'm satisfied you never heard them break in); a consensus has emerged
that Occupant heralds "Another New Humanism for the 21st Century".

Here are some of the, necessarily unattributed, comments coming back:

"The falsetto yelpings of Get Off My Property set a new standard in a category that I can barely describe."

"The minor theme of a distaste for machinic fascism is one that has always worked for me. And to take this subject as a personal affront to ones genes not replicating, well that is taking rock n' roll self-indulgence to a plateau where we can really see the view!"

"A savage and aggressive lack of professionalism that provides the ideal counterpoint to World Cup soccer viewing."

"If Decoy Samaritan does not measure up to the Occupant entity, there will be hell to pay, and I am not joking..."

"More life, more Occupant."

There was the occasional dissenting view, but all of them from acolytes, and all of them along the lines of "I don't get it" - they have been dealt with.

Antonio Abdul